Exclusive Embraer MRO Services

OnFlight is an Embraer Authorized Service Center exclusively dedicated to Embraer’s product line. This singular focus stems from an extensive knowledge of these aircraft combined with Embraer’s cutting-edge technology and overall quality of design, resulting in unparalleled expertise and operational efficiency.

OnFlight has a rich 25-year legacy in aircraft management with over a decade of experience with Embraer’s Executive Jets. Additionally, OnFlight holds an impressive track record of over 25,000 incident-free flight hours and an exceptional 99.99% dispatch rate. Operating with a flight department of experienced pilots and a maintenance team of technicians intimately familiar with the Embraer product line, OnFlight ensures a unique customer experience at every turn.

Committed to its history of strong core values, OnFlight strives to make each customer feel as if they are leaving their own flight department when they taxi out of our service center.

Exclusive Embraer MRO Services